
A few engaging projects to hone your skill AdvanceJS-410

1. Github Finder AdvanceJS-410-01

Do you want to stalk your friends on github? This app does that for you!

Get details of users by typing their name on searchbox.

API- https://api.github.com

feel free to explore this API refer this documentation Click me👆

2. Dictionary app AdvanceJS-410-02

You have to build a web application that allows users to look up a word’s definition using the Merriam-Webster API. It retrieves both the word’s pronunciation and its definition.

API -https://www.dictionaryapi.com/api/v3/references/learners/json/apple?key=your-api-key (genrate your own api key)

feel free to explore this API refer this documentation Click me👆

3. Meal finder AdvanceJS-410-03

You need to use Vanilla Javascript and the MealDB API to construct an online recipe search application.

API- https://www.themealdb.com/api/json/v1/1/search.php?s=sandwiches

feel free to explore this API refer this documentation Click me👆

4. Real-time Weather app AdvanceJS-410-04

For getting meteorological information, you can use the Dark Sky API, it is a terrific opportunity for you to learn how to communicate with APIs, which is another great thing you can do with JavaScript.

API - https://api.openweathermap.org/data/3.0/onecall?lat=33.44&lon=-94.04&exclude=hourly,daily&appid={API-key}

feel free to explore this API refer this documentation Click me👆

5. Random Quote Generator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript AdvanceJS-410-05

fetch the data from API and then display the quotes in card format.

API- https://api.quotable.io/random

feel free to explore this API refer this documentation Click me👆

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